Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A Little Late... sorry!

These were actually taken before we left for our trip to Branson, sorry I didn't get them posted till now. The first two pictures are of Cait and me at HEB. We were shopping for some goodies to take to a bbq we were having with friends but we were also celebrating opening day of AGGIE football! She wanted to wear my hat so badly so all through the store she had it on her head. Cute huh!

Cait has also learned the valuable trick of holding fluid in her mouth. She has been doing this with both her juice and her milk now. So I am constantly telling her to swallow whatever is in her mouth before she laughs and spits it out! Yay, the things we get to learn while growing up are great!!
Whoop! for Aggie Football! We're trying to teach her how to whoop now. She's got the fish wildcat down pretty well! But who wants to hear "AAAAAAAAAAA" all the time?
And remember the pictures posted of her dinner pal, Bear? Well this time she had to wear her sunglasses to eat her breakfast. I mean, it was bright outside but I think she was just being silly! And if wearing sunglasses and sitting with a stuffed friend will make her eat her meals... I'm all for it!

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