Monday, July 20, 2009

She made it a week...

WARNING: The following pictures are gross...!

Cait has not felt well the last few days. We went to College Station to a friends wedding on Saturday and she had been warm all day. We just attributed it to the weather but on our way home we noticed she had a definite fever. We gave her some Tylenol before bed and she slept fine. When I woke her up her left eye was matted shut. I thought maybe pink eye or allergies. Sean and I decided I would call her doctor for an appt this morning since she would need a note to go to daycare if she has anything abnormal going on. Dr. Orr confirmed she has a cold with pink eye! He called her the happiest sick baby of the day this morning... that didn't last long! She did not sleep last night very well, poor baby! (and poor Mommy! Dad was at work).

She has finally decided to take a nap and we'll wake her up in a bit to give her the second dose of the eye drops prescribed to her. The pictures below are how I found her this morning when I woke her up to get ready to go see the doctor. They are pretty gross, hence the warning!!

I'm sure she'll feel better soon! Just keep her in your thoughts and prayers because she goes back to daycare on Wednesday and we can't afford me to quit my job!


Ashley said...

Poor baby girl! That's the worst case of pink eye I think I've ever seen. I hope she's feeling better now!

Barbara, Sean, Cait and Emily said...

She is feeling a lot better. Still has some of the cold symptoms but the eyes are all better, thank goodness!